Patriotboy/JesusGeneral Name Change

Patriotboy/JesusGeneral is now the Bash Annie Angel and Shoelimpy Board!

God, they just can't stop talking about us!!

Oh my! Someone needs a life!!! A whole bunch of someones, it seems!


Allen said…
More someones than I would care to know about.
Anonymous said…
I'm still not convinced that you two are not the product of an avant-garde radical performance-art collective that has set out to make red-state pseudo-Christian conservatives look hopelessly ridiculous and hypocritical.

Amazingly brilliant work!!!
AnnieAngel said…
Actually if that were the plan we'd be failing miserably.

However if we are true Christian Republicans out to make all Liberals look stupid and hypocritical....amazingly brilliant work!!!
Anonymous said…
...oh, that's right, almost forgot! You're also trying to make Republicans look slow of wits and unoriginal.
AnnieAngel said…
Am I brilliant or unoriginal?

Make up your mind, LOL!
Anonymous said…
Oh, crap, you're not even smart enough in your retorts to be worth toying with. Ciao.

P.S. -- and do get some help with the drinking; you really should consider the suggestion of joining the Army, did wonders for me (plus help the war you so support, 'where your mouth is' and all that).
AnnieAngel said…
Oh God, the join the army crap. Yawn. Thanks for stopping toying with me, I was feeling all toyed with and stuff.

*rolls eyes*
Anonymous said…
Shit, noticed on my way out that you're 35!... I had pictured you as under-20, and put most of it down to immaturity. Now I just feel sad.

And, for the record, that is libel: I never feeled you up when toying with you.
Anonymous said…
Hey, where did that other comment go?... What are you afraid of?

And are you really Canadian???!!!
Anonymous said…
You've done immesurably nastier stuff on other people's blogs and then nevertheless ranted and raved histrionically about being banned.

See what I'm saying about giving Republicans a bad name for hypocrisy?

Looks like you are in fact a foreign agent, a Canadian liberal on a mission to make US conservatives look morally and mentally incoherent.
AnnieAngel said…
And if YOU keep lying, I'll delete you too, fuckwad. You don't get to come on here and troll, if you want to post you can but keep up the insults and I'll delete them.

Your choice. I know you're from patriotboy, I don't get too many visitors from Portugal, LOL!
Allen said…
How many Pordagee does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

25, 1 to hold the bulb and 24 to spin him around.
Allen said…
Annie you are the most brilliant, beautiful poster out there. Don't let the critics get you down.
AnnieAngel said…
None of that! I won't have it! He's not to be mocked here. We have standards. If he can't be decent I'll delete him. If you start with him, he has a right to defend himself and I won't have a brawl here.

Now apologize, Shoe.
Allen said…
I'm sorry, Mikez. I didn't mean to offend you.

You're still the best, Annie.
AnnieAngel said…
Thanks, Shoe.
Anonymous said…
Not quite... Home base is NC, but there's a NATO command here, FYI. OK, that was too much info. Over and out. Canadian trolls, go figure... Heh. At least you are forgiven for not enlisting.
Allen said…
NATO! I shoulda known.
Anonymous said…
If you don't believe me, I'll post from the US in abooot a week. If I do, will you apologize profusely and, assuming you qualify, enlist?

The Portugeezers did send a few men to Iraq, but mostly token. Govt changed since then though, so we do need more people to help fix Iraq...

Actually did find you in Jesus' G, funny guy, whom I found from Daily Kos, to which I was pointed to because of the stories being posted by Iraq vets.
AnnieAngel said…
Jesus G isn't a funny guy, you've just totally blown your cover. :)

Hey dude, I'd believe you, but why can't you afford me the same privilege? Why do you listen to trolls from patriotboy over me, when you claim to not be actually from patriotboy but just passing through there?

Riiiiiiight. Like you're just passing through Portugal.

Anonymous said…
Wanna take my bet?
AnnieAngel said…
So you're going to visit America, see what a real country is like, big deal!

I totally don't believe you're a soldier of any kind at all. Can you prove you are? Otherwise I'll just believe you're trolling as a non-coward today.

Anonymous said…
Just here for a couple of weeks, back in country soon (I agree with 'real country', but we do still try to be polite with the allies, or at least I'm supposed to help with stuff like that... which, for the grunts, does makes me only a 'kind of soldier' as you say.)

But it has been noted that: 1) you declined my bet; 2) you consider those who do not enlist 'cowards'. Nuff said.
Allen said…
Sorry, Annie.
Anonymous said…
Cowards always need a second banana.

I'm certainly not giving you any more personal info. But I'll try to remember to drop a few notes over the coming weeks/months so you can check my IP. And to not hold my breath waiting for you to enlist.

Now I'm out of here.
AnnieAngel said…
LOL!! Still with the enlisting.


Let me know when you've stopped beating your wife!
Allen said…
Good one, Annie.
Anonymous said…
AnnieAngel, I'm really concerned about you. You claim to love Jesus and base your life around His teachings, but Jesus preached love and acceptance. He communed with sinners, with prostitutes and tax collectors; he didn't condemn, but welcomed with love. He certainly didn't call people some of the horrible names I've heard you use, even when (especially when) others used them against him - he turned the other cheek.

I've also seen you refer to others as dirty, filthy sinners. Jesus says that we are sinners all, that no one is perfect but God; that means that you have sin on your soul just as much as others do. Jesus tells us to attend to the plank in our own eye before looking to the mote in our brothers' eye.

Mostly, though, I'm concerned about your purity. You've made reference before to your pure and virgin soul, but you've also talked about kissing your boyfriend until you felt dizzy and even making love to him. And the pictures you've posted, nearly nude, showing to anyone who might stumble upon them parts that Jesus intends for you to show only to your husband. Marriage, and the intimacy that is associated with it, is sacred; it is not meant to be shared with just anyone, but with the eternal partner that God has consecrated for us.

I do hope you reconsider some of the things you've posted on your blog. When I first found it, I assumed (from your "about me" section) that it was a true and right Christian blog, devoted to the love and teachings of Christ, but upon further reading I found a poor example indeed of true Christian values, and I hope that anyone else who finds it doesn't think that this is how true children of God comport themselves.
Anonymous said…
Can you deny that anything I've said is the truth? Or are you so angry because you know that what I say is true? Do you accuse me of being a liar and a troll because I speak the Word? It's scary and painful to accept when we've wandered down the wrong path, but it's necessary to confess our sins so that we can give ourselves fully to Christ. He loves us and is hurt by our sins, but will take us back with open arms when we confess and repent.

Let the anger out of your heart. Your heart is so full of bitterness and hatred that there's no room for Jesus. We Christians all have the responsibility of preparing a clean and pure heart for the Lord to abide in, free from the filth and clutter of angry words and hateful thoughts.
Anonymous said…
Deny the truth at your own peril. I come to fulfill the command of our Lord Jesus to spread the love and the Word of God to those who risk damnation with the hatred and wickedness in their hearts.

The rich man, when faced with his eternal punishment, asked for Abraham to send Lazarus to warn his family about the price of denying the truth of God. Abraham replied, "They have Moses and the Prophets; let them hear them." Hear me and heed me now, because you won't be given another chance at the Last Judgment, and the punishment for denying the Word is great.

Jesus commands us to be like Him: to win sinners with love, to treat others with compassion, to spread the Word, and to be the city on the hill, a shining example of Christ's teachings to the rest of the world. We must clear our hearts for Him to live within, because when Jesus is the kind of your life, there is room for no other.
AnnieAngel said…
See I know you're not a Christian, because Christians do not attack other Christians as you are doing to me.

What you are is a lame troll who really isn't even interesting.

Try harder.
AnnieAngel said…
Make the pie higher!!!
AnnieAngel said…
By the way, where's your blog? I'd like to visit it, so I can see just how Christian you really are...oh but you don't have a Christian blog, do you? That's why you're on here anonymous, because you're a troll.
Anonymous said…
Attack you? It is an attack to offer the love of Jesus? To spread his teachings? The Word of God is only an attack to those who do not believe.

You say, "I am a Christian," but you willfully deny the teachings of Christ. You say, "I love Jesus with all my heart," but then you deride His ministry and crowd Him out of your heart with hatred. You say, "I love all Christians as myself," but when I come here to share the love of God and guide you back to the righteous path, you insult me horribly, call me a troll, and condemn me to hell, a judgment that is reserved for Christ and Him alone.

I don't need or have time for a Christian blog. My life is filled up with the ministry and evangelization of Jesus, as He commanded. And in the end, what has your Christian blog accomplished? How many souls have you won for our Lord? How do half-nude pictures and disgusting profanity help in spreading the Word? Your profile speaks of Jesus, but your posts speak only of pride, lust, and wrath, and that is blasphemy.

Jesus's love is all-encompassing. You say He is in your heart, but I see no sign of His love in your hateful ways. Pray to Him to fill your heart so that hatred and anger cannot abide within. Let Him be the King of your life, and the anger that makes you say such awful things will melt away in the bliss of eternal life.
AnnieAngel said…
Since you continue to troll anonymously on the orders of patriotboy, all further troll posts from you will be deleted. You do not come on here and mock true Christians. You can do that on you own unfunny shithole of a site.

Either post as a real person with a blog I can read and comment on, or I'll delete you.

I'm sick of patriotboy trolls.
AnnieAngel said…
Even the Devil can cite scripture for his own evil purpose, much like patriotboy trolls.

AnnieAngel said…
What is wrong with you? Are you on glue? You're not a Christian, as Christians don't judge each other. You're nothing but patriotboy trying to get my attention.
Allen said…
Attention Anonymous:

Annie's not even reading this thread anymore. She has given me control of this thread and I will be deleting any post you make.

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