Christmas Kitty!

Here's one of the shots from today. Kitty decided he wanted to be in the picture. :)

Merry Christmas!


AnnieAngel said…
Katy found my blog! Katy found my blog! Katy found my blog!
Anonymous said…
Annie, I can see you are a real angel!

Don't blame all of us moonbats for the nasty comment above.
AnnieAngel said…
What's a moonbat?
Anonymous said…
"moonbat" is a term for "liberal", just as "wingnut" is a term for "conservative".

--Riesz Fischer
AnnieAngel said…
What's with all the labels? We're all Americans, aren't we?
AnnieAngel said…
Now it does?
Anonymous said…
Hey, you censored that terrific tourette tirade! Now my comment seems non-sensical!
AnnieAngel said…
Now that was witchcraft! How did you do that?? How did you move my post???

Anonymous said…
How do you know about my sister? Have you been playing doctor with her, honey?
Anonymous said…
Why are you so mean? You hurt my feelings. Why is your heart so full of hatred, don't you love Jesus?
Anonymous said…
Annie is a meanie.

I'm not a troll sweetie, you hurt my feelings again. Here am I defending your virtue as the most pure and virginal of all Jesus-loving whores, and this is all the reward I get?

Why so much hatred in your heart? You need a spanking, that's what. In a pure-hearted James Dobson kind of way, of course.
Anonymous said…
Boring. You surely can do better... Ta ta.
Anonymous said…
I just threw up in mouth a little bit.
AnnieAngel said…
Try not swallowing the cum. Spit and rinse!!
Anonymous said…
ahhh... the voice of experience...
AnnieAngel said…
Your mama. :)
Joolya said…
I am confused about the porny nature of some of the posts here in conjunction with the Jesus/Christian anti-slut type posts. Very confused.

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