
Well. Isn't it nice that Bush wants to let 11 million illegals stay forever. Obviously his friends rely on the cheap labor they provide. It's nothing to him that we the taxpayers will end up bearing the brunt of his stupidity through OUR taxes. Taxes meant for America and Americans, not for some horde of illegals seeking to turn America into a third world toilet.

Illegals don't pay taxes. They take jobs from Americans. For those who say Americans don't want those jobs.....give me a break. Americans will work for DECENT pay, illegals will work for enough money to buy a bowl of rice and some tequilla. And what do they do with the pittance they save? Do they spend it here in America? NOPE! They send it back to their huge families in whatever fetid jungle they came from.

And do they respect America? By PROTESTING. They are illegals. They have NO RIGHT to protest. They don't vote they are not citizens and therefore have no rights here!

Let them go back to Columbia or El Salvador and they can have all the protests they want! All the rights they want too! Why the HELL should we be responsible for the fact they breed like rabbits and their countries are corrupt armipit shitholes?


It boggles the mind. Ship them home. Ship them all home now. If I were in charge, the protest would have ended with a great big roundup with no ID checks, just put them all on a raft and push it out to sea far enough that it can't drift back.

Bush is greedy and his friends are greedy and we're stuck with a great big bunch of the unwashed masses as a permanent under-working class.

WAKE UP AMERICA!!! If we don't do something, we'll be eating onions covered in immigrant urine for the rest of time.


Anonymous said…
And racist, too?

Dang, you're the gift that just keeps on giving.
AnnieAngel said…
If you make one more anonymous post, I'll delete it.
AnnieAngel said…
My post is not racist, so why would I need to answer charges it isn't???

Thanks for making a blog with no posts on it, I'm usre you just surf blogger all the time with no blog of your own.

Why are you hiding? Who are you? How did you get here? Answer those truthfully and we canbe friends. Continue to hide and play these games, and I'll treat you accordingly.
AnnieAngel said…
What am I saying, a blog with no posts, there isn't even a blog!

Oh honey, you really suck at whatever it is you're trying to do here.
Shai said…
Right on Annie! I can count on your blog to be a voice of reason. It makes me sick to see them parading on Washington waving Mexican flags. Like Mexico so much? Go back!
They have no right to help themselves to our welfare system. It's not our obligation to spend all of our money giving free stuff to migrant coke heads who are pissing in our imported green onions laughing at us while we gobble them up at Chi-Chi's.
Keep speaking the truth. It's not racist, it's just fact. You're awesome Annie!
AnnieAngel said…
Jesus General was quite a while ago. What name did you use there? What name do you use on Atrios? No one lurks Atrios, it's a social forum. What other sites do you claim to have seen me on and what name do you use there?

As Shai stated very well, fact is not racism. Truth is not racism.
AnnieAngel said…
Thanks, Shai. I think all this PC bullshit needs to end and truth needs to be spoken, no matter if it's harsh. If these illegals put half as much effort into making their own countries better as they do in organizing these huge protests, they wouldn't need to come here to live off our teats.
AnnieAngel said…
So let me get this straight. You're coming on here, anonymously, although I think it's funny you were more than happy to make a blogger ID as if it made a difference, and more or less calling me a perhaps troll/racist/bizzare parody and demanding I answer to you?

LOL!! Go away, Ntodd.
Anonymous said…
So basically, you're more concerned with the irrelevant details of who "obviously" is and how s/he knows you from other blogs, and completely unwilling to answer the serious questions s/he asked about your post. Have I got that right?

Or do you intend to answer obviously's questions some day?
AnnieAngel said…
Obviously is obviously a troll who has been ignored by me elsewhere and so has decided to come on here and be all superior and trolly.

I don't answer questions from trolls because they aren't interested in the answers, just in trolling.

Don't like it, get your own blog and you can answer to idiots all day. I don't have time for it.
Anonymous said…
I wonder if anyone finds it surprising that annieangel isn't aware of the FACT that the US administration is responsible for much of the "shithole" quality and ruthless dictaters that have run many of these countries? I visited this site once in the past and it only took 15 seconds for annie to call me a troll. I see that this hasn't changed one bit. The idea that she claims to be a holier than thou christian, meanwhile spewing venom and hate about other human beings just goes to show what kind of Christianity she follows. Let the countdown to annie calling me a troll begin.... 5...4...3...2...
AnnieAngel said…
Should I wear my hip boots while I call you a troll?

Anonymous said…
You're slowing down. It took more than twenty minutes this time. Maybe you could hire a mexican immigrant worker to help you track these posts more quickly.
AnnieAngel said…
You looking for a job??
AnnieAngel said…
So we can just say, oh their governments are corrupt! They should be allowed to come here rather than work to get rid of the corrupt governments?????

That is not living on your feet! It's living on your knees.

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