Power Dimmage

It was the strangest thing, the power went out, but not all the way out. The lightbulbs were glowing orange and the digital clocks were flashing ":" over and over.

It ws totally freaky, and then the power went out completely for a couple of hours and came back on.

I have never seen anything like it, I didn't know you could have "just a little" power.

I guess you learn something new every day.


AnnieAngel said…
I guess "Brown Out" is a good name for it too. Thanks, Woods, it's cool to have smart friends. :)
Shai said…
I would have probably attributed it to ghosts or something. I guess I'm the "stuperstitious friend." ;)
AnnieAngel said…
If it had been late at night, I'd have thought of ghosts, but it was still mostly light outside so I wasn't too scared. By the time it was full dark I had wandered into the street with the rest of the zombies to find out what was going on. No one knew, but we all hated the next street over because we could see they had power.
Shai said…
Try going without power for over a week. After Hurricane Isablella I learned never again to take running water for granted. I had to haul pond water for my potty! And all the while I could here someone's generator way down the road humming away. Jerks!
I should have taken a raiding party to gather their supplies for my own fortress. :/
Hind sight is always 20/20.
AnnieAngel said…
I think I remember that! That was around the same time you had those millipede things. Poor baby. You had the weirdo neighbor guy too there right?
Shai said…
Yeah! Shoelimpy thought he was a werewolf, and you know something? He's probably right!
That creepy guy lived in a giant old farm house alone and would call me just to tell me he would be home a little late from work. he lived like half a mile down the road and I barely new him! What a weirdo.
Oh, and believe me I don't miss those awful millipedes either. Yuck!
AnnieAngel said…
Yeah! I remember now! I'm so glad you've moved from there!
Shai said…
Me too! Now I live only a block from the hospital I was born in. It feels great!
So how about you? When will you be moving?
AnnieAngel said…
Probably the fall. I decided that smog is safer than hurricanes, although I may change my mind once everyday is a bad air day.
Shai said…
Luckily you're not asthmatic. Though living in bad air zones can turn you into one I think.
I liked Arizona a lot. If my whole family didn't live here I would move back there in a heart beat. Lake Powell was awesome! It would have been better without all the mormons. :/
AnnieAngel said…
You loved the hot mormon boys. :)
Shai said…
You betcha! ;)
Shai said…
I don't get it?? At that lesbo website they tried to say Annie's articles are satire?!?! They aren't satire! They are supreme examples of Christian living.
What is that "Blogher" place anyway? A place for women to get together and munch carpets and gossip about other women's blogs, all the while standing on their soap boxes with their noses in the air? Hypocrites every one of them.
AnnieAngel said…
It's just sickening the way that woman writes! She has another blog as well, and she actually trolled bloggingpoints today and one of her minions came over here to the Blogdom of Peace and started being all flirty! Lord give me strength, the persecution never ends.

But this "blogher" (snort) woman's got big buck teeth and glasses and she was talking about how sexy my pictures are. Ewwww!!! I have nothing against lesbians, but if they are going to look at my pictures, they sure as hell better be hot!! I don't want no ugly four-eyed lesbo-fangirls. I have standards.

Hypocrites in the extreme, you're only a woman to those freaks if you are ugly, fat and have "opinions."

Fiddlesticks, I say! Women should be soft and stupid. I'm so glad we're us and not them! Praise Jesus!!!
Shai said…
I wear glasses! But they are cool glasses, and I don't like lesbians. My husband does. I don't think Jesus would approve of them, especially after they critiqued your writing like it was a newspaper editorial. Screw them! (but not literally)
AnnieAngel said…
You're not an uggo, Shai. And I'm sure your glasses are very ladylike.
Shai said…
I need new glasses. The no glare keeps funking up on my lenses. I take them back and have them replaced. Now they say they will not replace them again, that it must be something I am doing. Ha! Never get glasses at Walmart Vision center. Sears is so much better.
The bitch asked me what I do for a living because it must be me causing the funk up. I told her I am a homemaker and she looked at me like I was out of my mind. I wanted to break her nose right there, but I just smiled instead. hmph
AnnieAngel said…
Sorry Karen, I deleted your post because I don't want that bucktoothed bitch getting any more play off my blog.

God, she just gives me the creeps. *shudder* Thanks though.
No problem...I don't even know any of those people...just came upon it and thought you might want to know.
AnnieAngel said…
:) As long as you don't think I suck. :)
No I do not...that icon is meant for my harassers. I'm so mature!

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