You Know You Have No Life When...

You've spent the last forever watching Footloose and it still isn't over.

It's horrible. Just horrible. It's the STOOPIDEST idea for a movie EVER, or at least that I can think of right now. It needed WAY MORE SNAKES.


AnnieAngel said…
I guess it's a lonely life driving a train, but I thought they called them stations, not terminals. And either way, you shouldn't date any women who hang out there. *eeewww*

I didn't know you'd need so much math to do your job, I guess you learn something new everyday. :)
AnnieAngel said…
The job isn't named after the position, it's the other way around. ;)

Where were you in Africa, if you don't mind sharing your travel stories?
AnnieAngel said…
Oh, that sounds so cool! Why don't you make a blog, Woods? I'd love to read your stories and see your pictures.
AnnieAngel said…
That link deserved it's own post.

YOU done good, Woods.

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