Living Water

What a great organization! Check them out, special thanks to Woody, who worked with this group in Liberia, for the link. Make sure to look at the Spring 2006 Newsletter for pictures of Woody's Africa adventures!!!

Living Water


Shai said…
Wow, it's so weird to think that so many people are living without something that we take for granted all the time. Thanks for sharing the link. :)
AnnieAngel said…
I'm not a Saint! :) You don't owe me anything, Woods, I didn't do anything at all. YOU did.

You ROCK!!! Seriously, you really do.
AnnieAngel said…
The page changes each time I load it, do you have a direct link to where the Pipeline stories are? I can't find it.

Tell the Jimmy Carter story!!!
AnnieAngel said…
Did you actually go fishing? I think Lloyd needs a lesson in proper manners!

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