We're going to Ikea tomorrow. To me Ikea is more than a store, it's an adventure. Where else can you shop more or less the entire third world under one roof? And then have a wonderful lunch of meatballs and potatoes with cranberries and lingonberry juice?
I need a new kitchen table. Right now I have like a japanese/mexican thing going on and frankly, it's dated.
And I want to get a birdbath for the side yard, so I get to go to the big garden center that I can't remember what it's called, too! WHOOP!
My life is so exciting, I can't believe it's really happening to me! :)
I need a new kitchen table. Right now I have like a japanese/mexican thing going on and frankly, it's dated.
And I want to get a birdbath for the side yard, so I get to go to the big garden center that I can't remember what it's called, too! WHOOP!
My life is so exciting, I can't believe it's really happening to me! :)
We have a really nice cherry table that cost way too much money. but that was bought by my wife. If we were up to me, I'd have one just like yours. Except maybe not red, white and blue. Maybe black with a milky way made from little potato stars and then half way between the massive gathering of stars in the center of the table and the outer edge of the table, there would be one bright yellow star with a little blue potato planet right next to it. Yeah... that's MY table... maybe.
(Sorry about the deletion. That was THIS comment. I saw my name twice in the comments and thought I double-posted it. And I ain't drinkin'... scary. Must be Old-timers disease)...
I love the sound of your table Shai! You should post a picture. :) The table I have now is very old, round and oak. I had it "shortened" so we sit on pillows around it. I want something square and normal with chairs.
But as to John's milky way idea, I'd love that on my bedroom ceiling. Maybe like a light purple at the edges darkening to a dark purple in the center and all covered in tiny gold stars.
And I'd love blue sky and clouds in the hall, with little blue birds. That would be so kick ass.
Way too sexy.
By the way, I love the animation on your blog with the flowers falling all around you. I wonder if Rumsfeld has a blog with missiles raining down or something?
And, yes, I won't be making the Ikea trip with you. ;)
John, I like my table, but I am thinking of converting it into a cool, big computer desk and then getting a round table for the dining room. I used to have a big wooden spool as a table. You know, the ones the eletric company uses? It was so cool, but we ended up burning it when we moved from Navajo Nation. No room in the moving truck. Bummer. :(
Startlingly graphic contrast, only. I assure you. I go through life with no intent to offend. I'm nearly always surprised when I do, which is de facto proof of my innocent spirit.
Shai said: " but we ended up burning it when we moved from Navajo Nation."
Cool... how long did you live there and where did you go? Is that New Mexico or Arizona.
Also, I just noticed that the last thing I blogged about was Rumsfeld, so it was probably just a random thought that jumped out my brain!
If you are wondering how I ended up at your blog (and now Shai's) it's like this: Once or twice a week I spend a couple of hours blog-surfing. I just go blog to blog to blog and stop where anything interests me. If I'm inspired to, I comment. When I comment, I read other comments and if those comments are interesting I go to their blog as well. It's fun. It's great to be old and still find new toys all the time.
Here is my Top Blog Recommend of this week: http://www.buridansass.com/
I have to give it up to this guy. Not only a really nice blog, but he read one of my comments, goes to my blog and comes back to his and lists me under his "New and Noteworthy". Pretty nice compliment. But it's not just because he kissed my butt that I'm kissing his (god that's sooo vulgar. But you know what I'm saying) Check out his story "Name This Virus" and the comments. Great stuff. Am I rambling? Yeah...
Then I was suddenly really dreading 50. I figured at 51 I'd forget it, but I really didn't (duh!) and then last year I was laid off from a job I had worked at for 21 years and had 3 or 4 other semi-traumas which didn't help matters.
So I spend a lot of time reading, researching and writing but I haven't really defined the purpose of it all yet.
I think it's a bit of a defense mechanism also. I start off with it because the internet is a younger persons domain (largely) and I am pretty honest about everything I say. That way if someone, for whatever reason, decides they would rather not converse with me, we get it out of the way immediately.
Now, you just FORCED ME to talk some more about my age so don't say that I brought it up THIS time!
You have disillusioned me. I would have thought it would be quite an experience.