Who'd Have Thought It Possible?

Naked Lesbian Circle Jerk....yes it can be done, click for pictures!!


Anonymous said…
I can't help but feel a little misled by your post title. I suppose it was best that I didn't see what I was hoping to see in that God disapproves of such things but still . . .

Anyways, I wish you, your legs, and your relationship with Jesus the best but I shant be back being how I was misled and all.

AnnieAngel said…
Oh, I'm sure I care. Later I'll be crying into my pillow.

Anonymous said…
You tease. When are we going to see some tits on this blog? How about a beaver shot? Come on, I know ya got it inya.
Anonymous said…
Wow. I bet if you keep trying, one day you might be funny.
AnnieAngel said…
Let me guess...you're a lesbian...
AnnieAngel said…


I'm sure there are some lesbians over there and it is just a big circle jerk, so it wasn't totally false advertizing. :)

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