Dear Annie, Ever since my Husband left us, I've felt abandoned by love. I seem to exist on two levels, the level that society sees me as, a good mother and loving person, and the level on which I see myself, unwanted, unloved and a failure. I feel such an emptiness inside, an aching emtiness that nothing can fill, not my children, not my friends, not anything. I really don't know who I am anymore. Lately at night I've started going for drives after the kids are in bed. I drive along the hiway for miles, stopping in each town for fast food. I live in fear each day that I'm going to do it again, and I promise myself I won't. But after the kids are asleep, the house seems so empty, and I don't know what to do with myself except cry. I pace the rooms, I look in the closets for what, I don't know. Eventually I grab the keys as if it's not me doing it, as if I'm watching myself from across the room, and I get in the car and drive. Sometimes I thin...