1st Blogiversary Tribute Video

I've been blogging for a year now! I can't believe it's been a year. Bet it seems like much longer to some people. :)


Anonymous said…
Shoe really went all out on this one.

Happy Blog-a-versary!
AnnieAngel said…
Thanks, AG!
neon said…
haha, that was great. And Tool was perfect background music. I hope the person I stole that singing gerbil from doesn't sue.

Happy Blogday. :)

Okay, Blog-a-versary is better.
AnnieAngel said…
I'll send them to you if they do, as far as I know, you are that gerbil. ;)

Thanks :)
neon said…
haha. And to me you are that crossed pair of legs wearing high-heels. ;)
AnnieAngel said…

Remember the praying one? That drove people insane.
neon said…
:) I could never forget the praying one!
Allen said…
I am very glad that you like your blog-a-versary present, Miss Annie :)
neon said…
You got an honor!
AnnieAngel said…
Shoe made me a pretty kickass tribute. :)

Honors are cool. :)
Shai said…
Great job Shoe! Annie is the bestest!
Heardall said…
That vid kicked butt. I remember the days at the WWN. That was sad when the board got the axe.

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