Hot Jewish Guy
This is a hot Jewish guy who is in my kitchen right now. He is not a doctor.
Notice how he's hot. And Jewish. But the Jewish means nothing to the hotness. Hot is universal, there are no special types, or variations. Jewish, Columbian, Dutch, if they are hot, they are hot. Hot means hot. It means, I would probably let (generic hot) him stick it in if I didn't know him.
This has been a public service announcement.
Oh and Happy HNT!
Annie, I heart you for this one!!!
Pinko smack down for you at RoD!
AG hits anything Jewish except VD from, oh nevermind... You know what AG is going to say.
Feldman and Susie did some ad spread thing for PETA, in bed, like John and Yoko but without the purity. I wasn't impressed. It hurts to say that, I love Corey Feldman so much.