What's A Liger?

I'm so jealous that he gets to play with that cat, I wanna play with that cat.

Vote for Pedro!!!


scammy said…
Hes so BIG!!!

I love him!

Only if hes declawed though.
AnnieAngel said…
He makes the tiger look tiny!

I think he's the coolest cat I've ever seen.
scammy said…
He could eat that guys head in one bite!
AnnieAngel said…
He prolly will one day.
Shai said…
That can't be real, are you sure that's real? Maybe it's like a special effect or something? It's just so huge!
AnnieAngel said…
I'm pretty sure it's real. :)

I want one.
Allie said…
AnnieAngel said...
He prolly will one day.

Especially if he keeps tickling his tummy like he was doing. If I do that to my cats, they think it's play time.

I imagine Liger play time can get rather strenuous...and painful.
Shai said…
I wouldn't want to play with it. Your chances of surviving an attack would be slim to none. That things almost as big as my car.
AnnieAngel said…
I'd like to hug it. It would be awesome to have that thing trust you and love you.
Allie said…
I'd like to lie my head on it while I read or watch TV.

I always wished for a leopard whenever I blew out candles or threw pennies in a fountain while I was little. I try not to be too bitter.
AnnieAngel said…
When I was little I was going to grow up to have this huge imagination house in Hawaii and two black leopards who would only love me and eat everyone else. I don't know how I was going to pay for it.
Allie said…
If you're an adult, you always have plenty of money.

I usually just tape all my cats together and pretend they're a leopard.

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