Atrios' Best Friend Steve Says

Your mother sucks cock in hell.

steve simels Homepage 06.03.07 - 6:38 pm #

LOL, what a coward. And it goes to show why Atrios is losing popularity.

Edit: I guess according to my friend who will remain nameless Steve is a self-confident fearless Democrat and not a coward. Cuz he's a liberal.


AnnieAngel said…
I'm amazed at the level of hate that is encouraged on some liberal blogs. The posters are like hate bots, they don't seem real. They don't care about the topics of what they are discussing, they just spam the threads with vile comments and unbelievabley disgusting attacks on anyone who shows up.

I deal with people daily, as I'm sure you do, everyone does, and I haven't ever met anyone who acts like that in real life.

It's crazy.
neon said…
I think he stole that from The Exorcist.

Or they stole it from him.
AnnieAngel said…
Well that would make my theory that they're all pre-programmed hate bots seem not so crazy!
Shai said…
How dare he steal from a great piece of literary work such as the Exorcist? He has original bone in his body. He is like the George Lucas of blogger--a team of dorks doing all the special effects for him. I hate people like that. I hope he gets super crabs and is forced into a situation where he must eat them to survive.
AnnieAngel said…
I hope he finds Jesus. After the super crab thing, though.
Shai said…
You're a better Christian than I could ever be, Annie.
AA and Shai, PP sit-u at RoD. Please stop by!
AnnieAngel said…
Will PP never learn? Even with AG spending her valuable time to try to teach him, I really don't think he will.

Shai is celebrating the Sandtrout's 3rd Bday today, but I'm sure she'll wade through the PP and have a lot to say on the subject tomorrow.
neon said…
Is Sandtrout the kid's legal name?

Because that'd be awesome.
Shai said…
I'm slow. What does "PP sit-u at RoD" stand for???
AnnieAngel said…
There's a Pinko Punko situation at The Republic of Dogs, Adorable's bloggy thing.
Shai said…
I can't get to adorable's blog. I get some weird message that says I can't view the profile or something. How depressing.
AnnieAngel said…

The thread's called "Offensive Blogging" and it has a picture of a book with a dog on the cover who is about to be "fixed."

I guess it's not a real blogger blog.
Sorry Shai! I tried to update my links in blogger, since we no longer blog thru them, but for whatever reason it won't update.

Please feel free to stop by and say hello.
AnnieAngel said…
Adorable's blog is a nice safe place, Shai. I will admit to not understanding everything that goes on over there, but at least it usually makes sense and is funny.

Not like PP's silly blog which is full of sexist banners and chundermuffins.

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