Atrios' Best Friend Steve Says
Your mother sucks cock in hell.
steve simels Homepage 06.03.07 - 6:38 pm #
LOL, what a coward. And it goes to show why Atrios is losing popularity.
Edit: I guess according to my friend who will remain nameless Steve is a self-confident fearless Democrat and not a coward. Cuz he's a liberal.
I deal with people daily, as I'm sure you do, everyone does, and I haven't ever met anyone who acts like that in real life.
It's crazy.
Or they stole it from him.
Shai is celebrating the Sandtrout's 3rd Bday today, but I'm sure she'll wade through the PP and have a lot to say on the subject tomorrow.
Because that'd be awesome.
The thread's called "Offensive Blogging" and it has a picture of a book with a dog on the cover who is about to be "fixed."
I guess it's not a real blogger blog.
Please feel free to stop by and say hello.
Not like PP's silly blog which is full of sexist banners and chundermuffins.