Sunshine Daydreams


Shai said…
Awe! How cute! For a kitty, I mean. :)
AnnieAngel said…
Yeah, she follows me around like a dog. :)
Allie said…
I never understood why people think cats are stand-offish. I've never had a snobby cat. All my cats have been sweet and affectionate, and mine come greet me at the door every evening just like puppies.

Although it kind of creeps me out when I wake up and one of them is watching me sleep...
AnnieAngel said…
This kitten wakes me up every morning by climbing up in front of my face and meowing. She sleeps behind my knees.
Allie said…
My kitties....

It's the black one that usually watches me sleep.
AnnieAngel said…
I think I'd get freaked out if that cat was staring at me when I woke up. :) Cute kitties. :)
Allie said…
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Allie said…
Hey, she's sitting with a Bible...

That's my Bible from when I used to sing in the choir at First Methodist. Hard to believe, huh? It still has the little envelope in it that my mother made to put my dollar in for the offering.

I'm highlighting it for passages wherein Jesus referred to helping the poor and social justice vs. hating gays and abortion...
Allie said…
I've noticed that. It's funny how it consumes the "moral majority," though.

I wonder why that is...
AnnieAngel said…
They're misled.

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