Gavin, you suck donkey cocks. People namesteal me, put up MY LINK as if it is theirs and you threaten to BAN ME for making a joke??

You really are a fucking nazi asshole. You also delete my comments, but people can say whatever they want about me?

Nothing I said about that idiot JG was not true. You suck his dick now?

God, you are a fucking tool. I used to think you were ok, but now you show your true colors.

You fucking cobag. You should hook up with Tucker Carlson, you piece of shit. Pinko is more of a man than you, and that isn't saying much.


Anonymous said…
Gavmo, don't be a Tbag! Whatever you may or may not have done (AG hasn't been following things closely over at S/N!) needs to be righted. Could you take a few days off, travel north and take Annie out for some fine food at Swiss Chalet. You kids can work it out nicely and if need be, you can stay with UC's parents. That have a lovely five bedroom home and would be happy to make some space for you kids.

Annie, bring Shoe along too -- the sauce and fries are divine at Swiss Chalet.
AnnieAngel said…
Annie would go to Swiss Chalet with Gavin. But only because Annie likes Swiss Chalet. He pays, and I get a baked potato instead of fries.

And he has to say he is sorry for being a chundermuffin.
Shai said…
I got banned from Babycenter. How pathetic is that? I feel your pain, Annie. :(
AnnieAngel said…
You rule Shai!!!! What did you do???

I didn't get banned. Brad told Gavivn if he bans me he is fired from the blog. :)
Shai said…
Oh, you know. The other mommys are just very touchy! Of course you are going to get made fun of when you admit you still breastfeed your 3 year old and don't vaccinate your kids because you are afraid it will make them retarded. And then the last straw was the girls who think they shouldn't quit smoking while pregnant because withdrawal would be too much of a shock on the baby. I asked them if they slap the nicotine patch on the infant when it is born.
AnnieAngel said…
LOL! Sounds like their children have a bright future ahead of them. :)
Shai said…
I can't imagine breastfeeding a 2 or 3 year old. I have had customers at the studio breastfeeding 2 year olds in front of me. In some cases I think the mom needs weaned more than the kid.
Anonymous said…
That's awesome Shai! Those Mommies should go for drinks with Tucker Carlson. They sound like peas from the same pod.

OK, so Swiss Chalet it is! AG was never a fan, but the UC family spent half their childhood there. They seem to really like it, so AG goes when they go.

You know Brad R. is a stand-up guy. He hearts Annie in a way that is totally no worries to Shoe.
Shai said…
Hey, a little off topic but my mom looks at this blog and has asked me about the colorful language. :)
AnnieAngel said…
The language reflects the way I speak. Like a sailor. :) And the colorfulness matches the blog. ;)

I used to know a hippy chick who breast fed her 2 year old. She had La Leche posters everywhere. :/

Swiss Chalet is good, but you have to ask for white meat or they give you dark meat. The bastards. They hire nice old ladies to wait on you. Annie enjoys the sauce and the buns. But Annie thinks Ryans has the best buns EVER. They aren't in Canada though, pity.

Brad R makes Gavin look like a whiny bitch. I still did't get my apology, although I got lots of emails from lurkers who hate Gavin.
Anonymous said…
You ever go for Tim Bits? The name cracks AG up. Bits!!!
AnnieAngel said…
Yes, I've had Tim Bits. I'm not a fan of Tim Horton's, though. They don't use fair trade coffee and also it's a hangout for thugs.
Anonymous said…
Thugs? We don't want any of that. I'm not a fan either it's just the "bits" sounds funny to AG.

AG doesn't get to Canuckstan much and when she does it's usually a Jewish holiday where we don't go out to eat and/or we have to eat kosher. AG really has to get to Toronto when it's not Jewish holiday season.
AnnieAngel said…
Toronto is a horrible place. Full of weirdos, and not the good kind. Annie pretty much hates Toronto. It's not her kind of town. Annie isn't into fake people or strett kids, which is pretty much all Toronto has. It also has cold in the winter, and smog in the summer.

Annie only likes New Orleans, and is trying to convince the very stubborn Shoelimpy to move there, or at least to Hammond.

Annie also likes Cancun. And of course Dallas, the Holy Land of shopping.

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