So we have this Evil Dick glamrock/oldman looser, who for the whole show has been calling Jen a bitch. Not once, not twice, but constantly and to provoke her. Sexist fuck, he should have been told by the BB peeps that "bitch" is over the line, but hey, she's just a woman, and oh my, check her reaction to it, she's unstable!! Or so fuckhead Dick screams at her, while also screaming horrible personal things at her. He sits beside her tonight as she's eating and blows smoke in her face. She asks him to stop, he refuses, blows it in her face again. She grabs for the smoke, he burns her with it on purpose, while claiming she's a nutcase who attacked him. Men like him should be shot. No one stepped in. Dick should be kicked off. This is it for me with Big Brother. I've been ultra loyal to this show, but I have a real aversion to loud, screaming, passive aggressive assholes who fuck with women in this way and think they are pure as the driven snow.