Pretty Boy


Shai said…
That's creepy!
AnnieAngel said…
He's not creepy, he's my good boy!!!
Shai said…
Sorry, just the fangs and the stink eye...he looks like he's ready to bite.
AnnieAngel said…
He's just hungry.
Shai said…
My hunger has been replaced by fatigue. Mr. Shai has only been gone one week and I already feel; like my brain has turned into blue jello. I'm ready for a vacation. Do moms get vacations? Because it seems like dads do. I've been saving up my sick days for 3 years....
AnnieAngel said…
:) Of course you should get to take a vacation. We should do that road trip to the ocean thing. ;)
AnnieAngel said…
Why blue jello, Shai?
scammy said…
My brain feels like the red jello that I wanted to smash all over Mr Scam's face today.

BTW... Cool pic!
AnnieAngel said…

What did he do? Men are so stupid sometimes, there should be a law.
scammy said…
Mr Scam cant seem to grasp the idea of men taking care of chidren too. "Womans work". I feel like digging a muddy hole in the backyard and pushing him in. I'll keep him in there as my pet, throw him food, hose him down.... that type of thing. MEN!
Allie said…
Looks like it's time for one of those I Love Lucy job swaps...I'll do your job for a day and you do mine, and we'll see which one jumps out of the window first.
AnnieAngel said…
Well, so far today I've plastered a second coat on the drywall in the laundry room, after sanding yesterday's coat and almost cutting my finger off on a nail that I missed when I took the mouldings off the door.

Now I am going to put the second coat of plaster on the ceiling in the vestibule type thing at the bottom of the stairs.

I'll be the first to jump. I've washed my hands like 500 times today and they're getting dry. My hair is full of drywall dust and feels like barbie doll hair.

I want tacos. And fajitas, chicken ones with green chile.

I'd also like to take a shower, ah, dreams are a good thing to have. ;)
scammy said…
Shower? Whats a shower?

Oh yeah! Those things I took every day to wash my body wayyyyy back before children. I remember now.
Shai said…
I get a shower late at night after Sandtrout is sleeping. If I miss my window I don't get another one for another 24 hours. It's like prison or something, only prison would be a vacation...I would get a lot more sleep and people would cook for me. Let's go to prison! Great idea! Who's up for it?
AnnieAngel said…
I'm up for a nice relaxing stay at an insane assylum. You tricked your way into one once didn't you?

I bet it's wonderful in there.
Shai said…
Yeah, just tell them you want to take a crowbar to your neighbors head. They'll let you in. ;)
It's nice. You get good drugs, lots of rest, sedatives if you have trouble resting, you can make interesting new friends, meals cooked for you, and you might learn something about yourself through a battery of psych evaluations.
AnnieAngel said…
I'd like to be sedated for about a month. Think they'd go for that? I'm sure I'd wake up refreshed.
Shai said…
They can induce a coma with a sodium penthathol drip in your iv. You'll feel a little sick and groggy for a day or so after you wake up...probably week for a few more days. I'm not sure if they would just let you do it because you're stressed or bored could binge drink for a month.
AnnieAngel said…
I wonder if I could get a thorazine drip?

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