Damn it's cold outside. I had to go out this afternoon and run some errands and I only wore my fall coat. I should have worn my winter coat, hat, gloves and a scarf, it's just that cold. Groan, I'm so depressed. So dude is cutting the last of the tile for the floor and then he's going to lay it. He'll come back another day to finish the tile on the walls. I'm amazed at how the bathroom is turning out, I've really outdone myself this time. I guess it's time to start thinking about where I'll be going when I leave here. I know that I'll be going to Cancun to stay with my friends for a few months, and I'm not going to look any further ahead than that. I'm going to party my ass off and have fun for a change. I'm going to surround myself with friends who love me for who I am. And if someone doesn't like me, oh well, that's their problem. I'm finished with apologizing to people who treat me badly. I'm tired of being humiliat...
With regards to Pinko he is a sexist POS. AG is fed up with him mocking Anne Bartlow and Ann Althouse or AG. He goes after women with a vengenance and tries to keep us down. AG let is ride until he made his own category to mock AG as "AG Shenanigans". He was asked not to do it and he continued to do so.
AG e-mailed him and it was agreed that if AG didn't make homosexual references anymore, he'd remove the category. Gregor used it several weeks later and AG chewed him a new one. Nothing more happened until last night.
AG refuses to speak to any of the 3Fools until an apology is made as a post on 3Fools and Pinko admits his blatant hatred of women. Whether we are good Christian wives or single Jewish recklooses, his hatred will not be tolerated.
AG is putting her cookie bowls and baking mits down on this one.
How's everything going Annie? It's such a shame we aren't in Canada with UC's family for Chanukah this year. I'd love to have you over for some brisket and latkes on Friday. We'll have to do it next time we visit which may not be until April/May.
I think it's horrible that people would use the work of others as their own. I'm with you 123% on that one. The should be keelhauled.
I tried to post on your blog, but my posts disappear, I blame Pinko for it. He has somehow made me invisible, and I hate him. Can you fix it? Annie likes posting on AG's blog.
Pinko hates Annie, and Annie doesn't know why. Annie used to think Pinko and Annie were friends, and then she realized he was a liar when he turned everyone against Annie at SadlyNo.
Personally, I think he hates strong women. He mocks them and tries to make them feel embarassed for being women. But Annie doesn't ever feel that way, and Pinko can't deal with it.
He can't deal with AG, either. His apology will be sarcastic, and full of non-sense. I think all women should boycott tres bueys. Cuz, that's what they are, they are the castread bull that has to work his ass off in the field.
Annie is very glad that AG isn't angry with her!!!
I know about the Pinko thing with SadlyNo! because I spoke with Brad personally about it. He does not share Pinko's thoughts. Pinko is a misogynist and a player. I hope all of the women on the blogosphere call him out on his stuff because other than Amanda, not even Geenie Cola, has he not somehow turned on them.
I'm glad Brad doens't feel the same, I actually like Brad and Gavin. I like Brad more though.
But Pinko made a stupid reply to my post on his blog, he can go blow emus for all I care.
That made me feel happy. :)
RoD is a tolerant group. We recognize not everyone shares our views. We do our best to not post them on others blogs. We may at times engage folks to understand more about where they are coming from. However, we don't take people to the woodshed. Nothing comes from that in the electronic world. Additionally Pinko does it for the fame. Ever notice that Brad and Gavin really don't visit others blogs and trash talk? They talk on their blog and keep it pretty much contained to there.
Pinko is nothing more than a bully. A 3 foolie bullie. AG has said it before that if he spent more time with his nose in the Bible and less time rejecting Christ's love and passion, a lot less people would have issue with him. Instead he sits on his sinner throne talking trash about others in a vain attempt to keep the spotlight off of him and his obvious self esteem matters.
The only thing we can do now is expose him and move on. I wouldn't worry much about Brad and Gavin. They've never banned you and unless you are really egregious, they won't. They are reasonable and they like a nice discourse. Unlike Pinko who wants to debate and show off.
Shoe is correct about his female issues. Look at how he blames Geenie Cola for Res losing last year's bake-off. I find this interesting because how could she have been the tie breaker? AG and UC voted separately. Thus, if we disagreed, we canceled each other out. How could Geenie have ruined it for Res? Pinko cheated and asked only Geenie to vote and then he blames her. Unfortunately Geenie doesn't read teh blog, so she doesn't know what he is saying about her. It's sad. Geenie is a super awesome woman and she is being brought down by Pinko.
And Shoe, he's only nice to a woman who hates another woman or one that can smack down better than him. Hence, his love of Amanda at Pandagon. Just look at his blog. He makes fun of Blue Girl in his blogroll. His blogroll!!
I don't understand the whole internet clique thing. I guess it's because I like to think for myself. :)
But I like you AG. I never really liked Pinko. He always seemed like the type who talks behind your back and tries to cause trouble.
I'm glad we're friends. :)
And I'll try to be more egregious over at SadlyNo. Thanks for the tip!!!
In fairness, what happened that someone felt the need to ban you Shoe? Was it a matter of disagreement or something else? To get banned it usually has to be something major.
This is a nice comment which I make to Pinko, thinking we were friends. But soon his true colors showed through and he decided to start a fight for no reason. His butt monkeys flew out of his ass right away and began to act like a bunch of 12 year olds. Check it out and laugh at the idioticy.
Pinko's claim to fame is being a joke and not in a cool way. Every time I laugh with Pinko, I'm usually laughing AT him more.
He's lame. His blog sucks. He isn't funny and the words he makes up are stupid. Not that he actually makes up words, he just picks out gay words that already exsit but no one likes.
I mean, seriousfully!!!
I feel embarassed for him and for the people who play along with him.
He's teh gay.
Forget about him.
In other news did you read about condoms being too big in India? Kid you not.
Boycott the Simpsons! It is a horrible show that pretends to be anti-authority but is in fact another cog in the male domination machine that has been in place for milennia! It is evil! Destroy, destroy, destroy! Kill Homer! And Marge! And Bart!! And Lisa!!! They must all be killed or suffer the consequences of living in a patriarchal world!
THE HORROR!!!!!!!!!
That is what got me banned at Pandagon
She has no good words. :(
Frankly, this was the first time I read SadlyNo! comments where you got attacked. I visit there now and again, but am pretty busy these days.
I agree that for the most part that you didn't do anything. You certainly did not appear to start it in that particular thread of comments.
You are correct that the commenters over there are super clique-y. Which is fine. They can do whatever they want. Nevertheless, there is no need for name calling and antics when someone comes along and causes no problems. Don't get me wrong, it's one thing if someone comes along and makes trouble. However, it's another if they are talking and being friendly enough.
I cannot really speak to what that clique's deal is because I don't really hang with those guys. As I said, I've met Brad in person and he's a nice guy. Yes, we discussed you because I didn't know you when I asked him about you. He was very pleasant and really just talked about how he likes to blog and gets a kick out of your blog. End of story. He wasn't about the fame or glory the way his groupies appear to be. Just him and Gavin having fun. That's about it.
Unfortunately they cannot control their commenters. I think people go over there to show off in an effort to look smart. Brad is one smart guy. Much smarter than some other bloggers with PhDs and MDs that I know. People get all hot pants over that and try to one up because they feel inferior. Those threads can be real eye sores sometimes.
And in fairness, there are some smart folks there too. However, the clique mentality makes it hard to see that. What can I say, AG appreciates you're a Veronica and not a Heather in that posse.
You need to continue being Annie. Brad and Gavin like you and that's why they engage you by photoshopping and stopping by here now and again. You shouldn't worry about what the others have to say. I know you don't, but I wouldn't even say a word to them. It validates their exsistence. Jillian is not your concern. She doesn't even have her own blog. That says a lot right there.
And I have to say, it's not about liberal or conservative thing with Amanda or Jillian. People are people. Terrible people come in all shapes and sizes, IMHO.
Where I was banned
I was only there for three or four days. Guess I don't make a very good impression on people.
Then she can delete Pinko.
I like blogging with my peeps. I cannot committ to blogging all the time. It's nice to be able to rely on Midniter and Res. Thanks for the compliment, though.
Shoe, I'll have to check out the link.
Annie, what is it with these men on the Internets? (Sorry Shoe, AG needs to lump your peeps together for the point of conversation).
They are not allowed to read my blog until Gavin says sorry to me for being a dick and for encouraging dickotry in others.
Pinko is such a prick.
It could be because you and Pinko seem chummy as ever, or because mine are the only posts that disappear after they show up on your blog.
Either way, this is weird.
Pinko and I are not chummy. As I said in his e-mail to ask why he is in trouble again he is in so deep it will be mega emus before he and AG are hip to be square.
Annie, we are BFFs. No tricks here. Tricks are for kids!
Plus I really do like you.
But watching someone be obnoxious, then whine when their own obnox is called.... well, it reminds one of flightless birds.
This isn't discouragement, unless you need it to be, in which case it's whatever you need.
Do NOT be fooled by these shenanigans.
He has munched his loaf and exposed his chunder. I can't ask for much more without becomming cobagular myself.
AG supports your decision but would like to caution you. He'll turn on a dime if it becomes fashionable. Limpy, back AG up here.
He really did everything I asked of him, to not forgive him would make me the asshole.
He'll still be rounded up in the Great Gender Sweep of 2013. Don't fear.
Try to hang in there. They cannot be saved during December, apparently.