
Showing posts from January, 2007

I Miss Canada :(

Ok, not really. But look close, and you can magically see Julian's gun change from his right hand to his left hand. :)

For AG

Tupac can call me whatever he wants....y'all know he's still alive!!!

I Love The Internets

LOL, Beautiful. :)

The Icelandic Winters Are Long.....And Hard

I'm trying to learn Icelandic so I can go there and understand what people are jabbering on about.....this youtube is just strange.....funny I guess, but mostly just strange. :) It's subtitled, so check it out. Neon, you'll probably like it. ;)

Poor Baby!!!!!

This guy needs a hug.

Voodoo Kitty

Papist Kitty would have worked too.


Gavin, you suck donkey cocks. People namesteal me, put up MY LINK as if it is theirs and you threaten to BAN ME for making a joke?? You really are a fucking nazi asshole. You also delete my comments, but people can say whatever they want about me? Nothing I said about that idiot JG was not true. You suck his dick now? God, you are a fucking tool. I used to think you were ok, but now you show your true colors. You fucking cobag. You should hook up with Tucker Carlson, you piece of shit. Pinko is more of a man than you, and that isn't saying much.

Tucker Carlson Is A JERK

Annie likes Chuckles. Annie thinks Tucker Carlson can kiss her ass. Annie thinks Tucker Carlson should go fuck himself. Annie wishes Tucker Carlson gets crabs. Big ones, from Brazil. Big Brazillian crabs, and maybe a parasite or two. Annie wishes that Chuckles' boss was not such a fucknut. Annie wishes Chuckles' boss had balls. Annie would QUIT if she worked at the same place. Annie would BOYCOTT with big signs out front of wherever that place is. Tucker Carlson, you don't scare me. You are a big fat idiot with a STOOPID bowtie and you look like a third rate Opie. Fuck yourself in your asshole. You should be ASHAMED of yourself for what you did. You dickless wonder.

For Shai And Dats

This is the best version of "why do birds suddenly appear, everytime you are near." Whatever it's called. Dats, there is help for you yet. ;)

Jesus Died 4 Thorndale...

...Because no one else gave a fuck. Seriously. I'm sure if you're stuck there after dark this is where they take you to feed you to the vampires. Scary ass town.