Favorite Funny Movies?

IMO, the funniest movie ever is Boogie Nights. It's such a spunky little movie. Naked Again, which I'm sure you've never seen, is hilarious too, as is Fear of a Black Hat. The Trailer Park Boys movie is totally original and very funny, if you like that kind of funny. ;) I do. :) The Evil Dead's a good one, well it wasn't funny the first time I saw it. I was scared the first time. :)

Any favorite funny movies to share? Hmmm??? I could use a good laugh. :D


Shai said…
Definitly the Evil Deads. Especially Army of Darkness. I love the Boomstick. :)
The videogames are pretty funny too.
Spaceballs is the funniest movie ever. Airplane is great too.
"Picked a bad week to quit sniffing glue."
It cracks me up just thinking about it.
AnnieAngel said…
Hehehe. :D

Have you ever seen Fawlty Towers? The episode "the Germans" is hilarious.

"Don't mention the war!" Hahaha!! Way funnier than Monty Python.
Reel Fanatic said…
I agree wholeheartedly about Boogie Nights ... My favorite funny movies, however, are two by Woody Allen, Manhattan and Annie Hall .. before he became simply an old pervert, he was once a genius
AnnieAngel said…
Well, la de da! ;)

Annie Hall is very funny. So is Sleeper. :)
Allen said…
A couple of my favorite funny movies: Dr. Strangelove Blazing Saddles.
Shai said…
Woods, what country are you from? I never heard of those movies. You know any funny ones from this half of the century? ;P
Shai said…
Annie, never seen Fawlty Towers, is it a Canadian thing?
One that my newphew loves, and I loved as a kid was Big Trouble in Little China. Jack Burton and the Pork Chop Express. ;)
I've never seen Boogie Nights, but now I'm going to have to rent it because this isn't the first time you mentioned it.
AnnieAngel said…
Fawlty Towers is John Cleese from Monthy Python doing his own thing. It is truly brilliant. It's a Britcom, the best one I think, though AbFab and Keeping Up Appearances are hilarious too. And I'll admit to thouroughly enjoying Are You Being Served, even if it's dated.

YES!!! rent Boogie Nights. Marky Mark is in it. :):):)

I have no idea what those movies are either Woods, although Shoe has a thing for Raquel Welch and he made me watch some horrible movie where she was a parachuting spy or something.

And I'd never abuse you, you disgust me too much, you creep. ;)

(dr. strangelove is not funny :P )
AnnieAngel said…
Aggieism is a perogative on this board. We will not tolerate any tools!

Shai said…
Woods, A boy and his Dog! That has the best ending ever. Now you are talking my language. ;)
Shai said…
Annie, I too find Marky Mark to be quite the hottie. :)
Do they show him completely naked in the film????
AnnieAngel said…
They show his doodle, but it's not really his, it's a prosthetic. :)

But he is very hot in it, as well as stupid, a wonderful combination. :)

Do you know I went to see the Planet of the Apes remake because of course, you think of loincloths and nakedness and when you add in Marky Mark, it is going to be the best movie ever!!!! Until he doens't take off even his shirt in the whole fucking thing.

FALSE advertizing!!!!!! I think someone should sue.
AnnieAngel said…
Dr. Strangelove is boring and stupid and not funny in anyway at all. It sucks. I hate to be so blunt, but you forced me. ;)

And Blazing Saddles is just DUMB. Stir Crazy, that's a funny movie.
AnnieAngel said…
A Boy and His Dog is funny, in the way Frogtown is funny. ;)
Shai said…
I fell asleep during Dr. Strangelove. It was a yawn fest. My husband thinks it's funny. I think you have to be on heavy medication to enjoy it, which he is...but it's legal prescription stuff so it's ok. :)
Allen said…
Oh and I forgot to mention This is Spinal Tap. A true comedy classic.
AnnieAngel said…
Spinal Tap sucks. Bad News....funny. :)

I agree Shai, yawnfestaramma!!!!
AnnieAngel said…
Shai's bug is stil cute. It just has a problem with gas. :(
AnnieAngel said…
Porky's is on. :) Hehehe.
Shai said…
Porkys! I haven't seen those movies in so long.
I watched a little bit of Napolean Dynomite and I just didn't get it. Do you have to be a complete nerdy dufus or a prepubesent to understand it?
jexter said…
Raising Arizona.
jexter said…
BOO back atcha!
AnnieAngel said…

You scared me!
jexter said…
BU! (That's BOO in Swedish.)
AnnieAngel said…
Estas loco. :)

Why the obsession with Sweden?
jexter said…
It's not Sweden in particular; it's just that it was the first free email account sign up site I found that was in a language I don't understand. (Which is any language other than english...DOH!)

And what are you doing up so late??? The internets are no place for a nice girl like you so late at night.
jexter said…
" Estas loco. :)"

Oh, Annie, it drives me wild when you speak Swedish!!
AnnieAngel said…
I'm up late because, I don't really know. I guess I'm loney and have no life. :)

Are you learning any actual Swedish?
AnnieAngel said…
Eres un petit cho-cho con queso. Viva leche! Hasta je me souviens siempre! Eine kliene nact music! Ba' aska wal'lik, ese??!!

Je parle muy bien la Swedish! Besa me mucho!
AnnieAngel said…
And then he was gone. :(

Goodnight, Bo-bexter, wherever you are. And check your Swedish email, I mean if you make an email, you should check it. It's common sense, you know, ikea. :)
jexter said…
I'm here!!! And I've been checking my Svenske email, but I think they only have one email server for the entire country, so it's a litttttle sllooooow showing up in the inbox.
jexter said…
And by the way, your Swedish is molto bene.
jexter said…
Still no email! I'll have to get a free email account from a more reliable foreign country whose language I don't understand. This may take a while...
AnnieAngel said…
Stupid Swedish email! Try an arabic one!
jexter said…
Arabic, great idea! I might even win myself a free vacation to an island in the Carribean!
AnnieAngel said…
Praise Allah, free vacations!

Hopefully it's a nice Island, like Jamaica and not a crappy one like the Dominican Republic.

*shudder* I'm sure I ate horse there. What a dump!
AnnieAngel said…
Although once in the Baja, I told the restaurant dude the chicken was good and he said, and I quote:

No es chicken, es pelican!!!!

Shai said…
I was eating orange chicken at this Chinese restaurant in Page Arizona when I over-heard the women in the kitchen having a conversation about how it really isn't chicken (how cliche is that?). The one lady asked if they ever got in trouble with the police for it, and then they started talking in Chinese or whatever. I stopped eating, and whispered to my friend to stop too. We took the chicken home and gave it to my husband. LOL
When he was done we told him about the incident. Ain't that evil?
I think it was mutton, but you never know. Maybe it was people. ;)
That was the same Chinese restaurant that my friend asked for chopsticks and the Chinese woman yelled at her crossly, "You can eat with fork!" Friendly people. I loved it there.
AnnieAngel said…
I bet it was cat.

I was at Shoney's once and I heard the manager reaming out someone in the kitchen and at the checkout she was there and I asked her if she normally screamed at her employees. She said "if I was screaming, you'd have known it!" and then I liked her and we laughed. :)
Shai said…
I love bitchy people too. They have so much passion and they provide me with entertainment. My husband blows up at complete strangers easily. It's hilarious! But he's on medication for it now. Scam thinks it's funny too. Most people take out negative feelings on family, my husband verbally abuses complete strangers and is as sweet as a kitten to us. :)
The one incident that Scam loves is when my husband was buying new glasses. The lady at the vision center pissed him off so he told her to shove the glasses up her ass. She smiled and said "is there anything else I can do for you sir?" And he said, "Yes, twist them a little."
LOL! He's such a people person!
AnnieAngel said…
Hehehehe. I'm sure she deserved it. ;)

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