It's true, the traitor has apparently decided that it's no longer a sin against his moon god to try and milk money out of the fame he used to enjoy before he became a Satanist. I am not going to buy it, and if it by some far flung chance gets radio play, I'll switch channels. He is such a sneaky Satanist, he's trying to make money from the people he considers infidels, and who he believes should be killed, wherever he may find them. I've re-written one of his songs, I think it properly shows his true feelings toward those who are not Muslim. I hope you enjoy it. It's to the tune of Trouble. Satan Oh Satan set me free I have seen your face And it's too much like a Jew's for me Allah Oh Allah can't you see Jews are stealing our land Soon they'll enslave the whole Middle East I don't drink no wine The Jews have made the world blind I don't think it's fair I don't think it's fair Israel's full of Jews So won't you be kind ...
Yes indeed, especially when it's full of Mich Light.
Hello Princess..and shoe.. Been out of town a few days. Looks like you're doing great.
I'll holler at you tomorrow, and may God bless.
Rest up and God Bless!
Fart MSB..!
The perfect name for for a hopeless corporate dwarf.
That I played with in the shower
But she left me..
But she left me....
Pincess, please forgive me but I feel a song comin' on. Luv ya.
Looks like Bart Shit has some serious penus envy. Not to mention a distain for anything American and Christian.
I have a suggestion for venting his/her aggressions.
Stand up and salute Samuel Adams.
We buy most of our meat fresh or keep it frozen in the freezer, Farti. There's meatballs and sauce in one of the containers. Shoe likes to make meatball subs.
Greetings and God bless from an East Tennessee hillbilly.
WHOOP! I mean I dreamed about winning, but never thought it would actually happen!
I don't know about the pic though, the inside of my beer fridge is a very personal thing, I'll have to think about it.