Dear Occupy People

It's getting cold outside, these park things are stupid anyway, no one will even notice you if you stay, they will be huddled and bundled up and only caring about not freezing to death as they try to make it back and forth from WORK. Hmmm. Anyway...

I have a better idea. I'm FULL of great ideas.

All of you buy cheap hundred dollar cars, don't register them, and drive them in a caravan to any city centre and just turn them off, forming gridlock.

Live in the cars. Toss the keys in the sewers. Let's see them clean up THAT mess.

Every city, all at the same time. That would be pretty awesome.

Actually, only block one side of the street, that way the city will be forced to CLOSE the other side for emergency vehicles, fire turcks, ambulances, that kinda thing.


neonsmog said…
You're still awesome, I see..
AnnieAngel said…
I miss you sometimes. Hope you are doing well and all that good stuff. :)
neonsmog said…
I miss you when I see an Ikea commercial. :)
AnnieAngel said…
I make everyone listen to your song...fred fred i'm sorry you're dead dead...they like it :)

I lost my file of Little German Boy :(
neonsmog said…
Haha. I'd send it again, but I deleted most of my songs a few years ago, when I realized it could never come close to Cat Stevens.. Even his new crap. :(
AnnieAngel said…
:( You sound like the guy from the Violent Femmes.
Neon smog said…
Aw.. That's sweet.

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