Neon Smog

An old and real good friend of mine, Neon, has a band and he's the singer! They're called Neon Smog and if you go HERE you can listen to an audio clip.

The song is called Fred. He's dead. It was sad. :( Shai, I think you will like this song very much.

Now go listen to it! He's a very talented and kinda strange, but in a good way. :)

And I'm very, very happy that he is blogging. I missed him very, very much. :)

Edit: Neon has two other songs up HERE I like his stuff, it's different. :)


Allen said…
I wonder what he has been doing since the days that you and he used to hang out over at the Weekly World News. Besides becoming awesome and joining a band.
AnnieAngel said…
So do I. I bet he's been staying in the house, except to smoke. :)
Allen said…
He must have gone outside of the house at some point to join a band. Unless he made them all come to him.
neon said…
haha, thanks Annie! I missed you too. :D

Then last week I rented the Tom Green movie you recommended (yes it took me awhile), and I started to miss you even more and I couldn't take it any longer.

ShoelimpyTM, the implication that I wasn't awesome two years ago really hurts.
AnnieAngel said…
I really like your song, Neon. I think you should sing the one I wrote the night you claimed I couldn't do it off the top of my head. :)

And don't go away again! I got used to you!
neon said…
Wow, you have a great memory. The song I can understand, but to remember that I stay in the house, except to smoke, that's amazing.

You left first Annie. :(
neon said…
by the way, the new articles are wonderful.

*sigh* I remember when I doubted the greatness of How to Be a Good Christian Woman. Shoelimpy is right, I really wasn't awesome then.
AnnieAngel said…
You were awesome. :) I remember everything. I remember Sponge Bob, and leg shaving and little boys in dresses. :) I'm annoying like that. :)

I came back, but you didn't. :( Well you did sometimes. Then stoopid whatsherface had her meltdown. :( She and mynamewas ruined everything. :(

But I can't believe you doubted my greatness Neon, I mean it's so glaringly obvious! I'm not in a band though, but I will be in your first video that makes it to MTV. ;)
Shai said…
Cool music! I am not musically inclined at all, so I am mezmorized by those who are. :)
neon said…
I hope you don't have any photos of those memories saved on your hard drive. :/

Your greatness WAS obvious, but you know how slow I can be sometimes. :D You can be the special dancing member of Neon Smog.

I hope your life is going better than it was the last time I saw you at WWN.
AnnieAngel said…
Life is life. :) But yes, things are better. :)

No hard drived memories survived the great crash. :(

Do you have any memories of me on yours? I lost everything, just for being too lazy to back stuff up. :(
AnnieAngel said…
So, I'm in the band????
neon said…
No, I've had a few great crashes myself. :( But I can still close my eyes and see the AnnieWearingSunglasses picture.

I don't think you would want to be in Neon Smog. Fred is the only song I could let you listen to without being ashamed. I wrote most of the others when I was obsessed with sodomy. :(
AnnieAngel said…
I remember that! Assrape!!!

The picture you are thinking of is on this site, I saved a few things. :) Laughlady loved that picture.
AnnieAngel said…
neon said…
haha. Thank you! <3 *saves and repents later*

:-( You could have at least forgotten the assrape. I think the words (or phrases) "rape" and "ass" and "assrape" and "rape me in my ass" pop up at least 50 times in the older songs. It's sad, but I'm better now.

The problem is, now that I'm better I can't write any more songs. I have no passion for anything now. :--(
AnnieAngel said…
Without assrape, you are nothing?

You could try buttlove, it's like assrape, but you cuddle after. :)
neon said…
I've tried buttlove. It's okay I guess. But nothing I'd write a song about.

I do get inspired to write new songs sometimes, though, and I must say they are so much better without the assraping.
AnnieAngel said…
Most things are better without assrape. :)

Write country, it is so easy it isn't funny. Oh wait, yes it is. :)
neon said…
haha. Oh but I've tried! I can't even write country right now.
AnnieAngel said…
"I can't even right country right now."

Perfect premise. :) Get one of those slide guitars and you're halfway there. :)
AnnieAngel said…
I hate not being able to edit my mistakes. :(
neon said…
*smiles* Those guitars are too expensive, I'll just use my harmonica.

Then I'll end up turning it into a blues song instead. :(
AnnieAngel said…
Well it can't be a country song, cuz you can't even write country right now.
neon said…
death metal it is!
neon said…
It was nice talking to you again. :)

But I'm really not a blogger, and I don't think I could become one (I've tried a couple of times). I just signed up to say I love you.
AnnieAngel said…
Well don't go away forever!! You don't have to blog, but you can still stop by and tell me you love me. :)
neon said…
:-) I'll do that. Goodnight

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