Lake of Blood

I took this picture through the lens of my sunglasses.

I like it. It makes me remember that Israel can go fuck itself, but at least Jesus is coming back soon.


Shai said…
Cool picture! And you are so right about Israel. They freakin' nuts!
Allen said…
That is a beautiful shot, Miss Annie.

Bush should just tell Israel to stop doing that shit.
AnnieAngel said…
Hahaha! Good one! Bush is scared of Israel.
AnnieAngel said…
Israel reminds me of of why Israel can go fuck itself. I really don't know what else to say, there really isn't much else to say. It's not like there can be a reasonable debate on what Israel is doing, they are not being reasonable in any way at all.
Shai said…
So true, Annie. It scares me what they are getting away with right now. It makes me doubt there is a God sometimes to see people acting so evil. I don't like feeling that way. I actually saw a picture of Israel mothers with their children writing messages on missiles for the families they were going to blow up, and they had big smiles on their faces. It's just too morbid. It made me physically sick.
AnnieAngel said…
It makes me sick too.
jeffperado said…
You could be right about Israel. They are clearly headed down a path to oblivion.

But I have to ask; are you really so sure Jesus is coming soon? I mean, for 2,000 the greatest Christian thinkers all thought that His return was any day. They were all wrong. What makes you think you are right when they were all grossly in error?

Jesus said: (in Mark 13:29,30) "29 So you also, when you see these things happening, know that it is near—at the doors! 30 Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place."

Even Jesus was wrong in guessing the end of the world, He thought it would be during the lifetime of those who were alive then.

So what makes you think you know more than Jesus Himself??
AnnieAngel said…
Oh, Jeff. I know you think you're some kind of great debater, maybe even a master debater, but seriously, "greatest Christian thinkers"??

Hehehe. Why are you suddenly here bothering me again, btw? Didn't I tell you to go away? I'm pretty sure I did.
jeffperado said…
Actually Annie, I had been away for quite some time. Contract work has its pitfalls, long hours, new locations, limited internet access (dreaded dail-up!), and other things like drinking in bars and sleep. But when they're done, its back to the usual.

Anyway, I just thought I'd check up on you and see what silliness you'd been spouting off about. I must admit that you seem to imply that genocide is bad. At least it is a step away from the absurdities of Christianity. I will give you credit for that.

But as always, I will take my leave of you again, if hearing a different, and actually rational viewpoint is too much for your tender ears to bear...
jeffperado said…
Oh Annie, Annie, Annie...

Stalkers are people obsessed with masturbation jokes and penis size.

Since I bring up none of that (you do) I cannot be the stalker. I merely point out what the bible says and how you are defying the sovereign word of God.

Besides, trash and profane talk is no way to win a debate. It is only witness to immaturity.

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