It's true, the traitor has apparently decided that it's no longer a sin against his moon god to try and milk money out of the fame he used to enjoy before he became a Satanist. I am not going to buy it, and if it by some far flung chance gets radio play, I'll switch channels. He is such a sneaky Satanist, he's trying to make money from the people he considers infidels, and who he believes should be killed, wherever he may find them. I've re-written one of his songs, I think it properly shows his true feelings toward those who are not Muslim. I hope you enjoy it. It's to the tune of Trouble. Satan Oh Satan set me free I have seen your face And it's too much like a Jew's for me Allah Oh Allah can't you see Jews are stealing our land Soon they'll enslave the whole Middle East I don't drink no wine The Jews have made the world blind I don't think it's fair I don't think it's fair Israel's full of Jews So won't you be kind ...
Who cares about whether the Patriot Act gets renewed? Want to abuse our civil liberties? Just do it.
Who cares about the Geneva Conventions. Want to torture prisoners? Just do it.
Who cares about rules concerning the identity of CIA agents. Want to reveal the name of a covert operative? Just do it.
Who cares about whether the intelligence concerning WMDS is accurate. Want to invade Iraq? Just do it.
Who cares about qualifications to serve on the nation's highest court. Want to nominate a personal friend with no qualifications? Just do it.
And the latest outrage, which I read about in "The New York Times" this morning, who cares about needing a court order to eavesdrop on American citizens. Want to wiretap their phone conversations? Just do it. What a joke. A very cruel, very sad joke.
Isn't that what submitting to the husband is all about?
But who cares about being sexist? Just do it.